”Modet förkroppsligas i en obeständig identitet, utan ursprung och fråntagen alla former av personlig integritet. Annars vore det inte mode, utan en stil. Men eftersom mode dikterar alla stilar, så är alla former av kroppsliga uttrycksätt också dömda att bli på modet eller falla ut ur det.” - Linda Rampell


“Fashioning an identity from an environment which is itself constraining, even subversive of human ideals, produces an equally hollow resonance in the individual.” - Joanne Finkelstein


“Taste classifies, and it classifies the classifier. Social subjects, classified by their classifications, distinguish themselves by the distinctions they make, between the beautiful and the ugly, the distinguished and the vulgar, in which the position in the objective classification is expressed or betrayed. ” - pierre bourdieu


”Fashion is the perfect foil for a world of fragmented and incommensurate identities and personae, offering a dynamic procession of free floating signs and symbolic exchanges" - Jennifer Craik


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